Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Attempt #126 - Frank's Pizza [Silvis, IL]

Venue Outside
 The Venue 

711 1st Ave

Silvis, IL 61282
(309) 755-0625


Frank's Pizza opened in 1955 and has been serving up pizzas to many satisfied customers.  The restaurant serves Quad Cities style pizza (similar to that of Harris Pizza).  This type of pizza is served in long strips, with generous cheese, and toppings.  The crust should be crisp yet chewy.  The restaurant had a bar, several tables from the 50’s, and cinderblock walls.  Kid friendly, pay at the bar.


Venue Inside
The Pizza

Chicago Style: No

Crust Thickness: Average


Participants: 3 (1 children)

Pizza Ordered:  1

Sizes Offered/Ordered: 12’ Small, 16’ Large / Ordered the 16’ Pepperoni.

Pieces Cut: Strips


Large Pepperoni



Sauce: The sauce had a strong tomato taste that was a bit overwhelming. For those who like tomato, it’s a dream come true.

Cheese: Lots of cheese made this pie greasy, but delicious.

Crust: The crust was amazing.  Light, yet tasty.  Crispy, yet chewy.  This one really grew on me.

Toppings: Lots of pepperoni under the cheese.  Very tasty! 


Final thoughts:  For those who like QC pizza, and need a place to dine in, go to Frank’s!  In the future, I’d love to see how this compares to Harris.   

More Slices


Here are our ratings, where 1 = worst and 10 = best.

Overall 8.33

Cheese 7.00

Topping 7.33

Sauce 6.67

Crust 9.00

Venue 8.00

Favorite: Pepperoni